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Assessment of BA CREST Awards
Internal link to CREST Science Fair page
Teachers should carry out the initial assessment of BA CREST projects.  When you are happy that the students have put in the necessary hours work and the project is of a suitable standard, you need to arrange a second evaluator, who will sign the profile sheet.  

Bronze awards can be assessed internally, by another teacher from your school. Your regional or local organiser can help you with the assessment, particularly if you are new to BA CREST.
Students should have completed their bronze profile sheets and may have written a short report or given a presentation of their work.
Occasionally, you may be asked to provide the BA or SETPOINT with samples of the project reports and student profiles to check that the standard has been achieved.
Silver and Gold awards need to be assessed by an external person, usually someone from your SETPOINT, the project mentor or another person from the same organisation. Contact your local or regional SETPOINT to arrange a time and date for the assessment.
Students should have completed their profile sheets and written a project report. During the assessment, students may be asked to present their work to the evaluators, either by producing a poster or giving a talk. They should be able to demonstrate that they have worked through the processes outlined in the profile sheets. 
Students should be able to explain what they did and why, have presented their data in an appropriate way and drawn logical conclusions. They should understand how their results fit in with their background knowledge and research. Projects with an industrial mentor should explore the wider applications of the project work.     
Receiving an award
Your local organiser will either agree to issue the award, or may recommend that the students do further work. 
Each student will receive a certificate. Successful projects may be invited to attend a BA CREST Regional Final. Winners of regional events may be selected for the national BA CREST Science Fair.